The National Pension Commission (Commission) recently announced the introduction of the Guidelines on Accessing Retirement Savings Account (RSA) Balance towards Payment of Equity Contribution for Residential Mortgage by RSA Holders (the Guidelines). The Guidelines, which were passed in line with the provisions of Section 89 (2) of the Pension Reform Act 2014 (the Act), allow Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs) of RSA holders to utilise part of their retirement savings as an equity contribution to secure residential mortgages.

21 November 22

Objectives of the Guidelines
The primary objective of the Guidelines is to set out the eligibility criteria for RSA holders to apply part of their RSA balance for payment of equity contribution towards securing residential mortgages. It establishes documentation standards and implementation modalities for pension operators who process requests from RSA holders to access part of their RSA balances.

In addition, the Guidelines aim to improve the standard of living of RSA holders under the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) by facilitating their ownership of residential homes during their working life and providing incentives to employees yet to open RSAs. Also, the Guidelines provide a sustainable source of long-term finance to the mortgage sector and spur the development of the housing sector in Nigeria.

Click here to download the full article.

Should you have any questions regarding this article, please do not hesitate to contact Ayodeji Oyetunde.


1. Ebube Akpamgbo, Associate
2. Oluwatobi Oluwasanya, Associate
