Nestled near the tranquil shores of Lake Baringo, the town of Marigat bore witness to a calamity in 2020 when the lake burst its banks, upending the lives of the community-dwelling on its fringes. Families were abruptly displaced and found themselves seeking refuge in a makeshift camp, struggling to rebuild their lives.
In the wake of this disaster, ALN’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) committee stepped in with unwavering compassion. In 2020, we rallied behind the affected families, embarking on a mission to alleviate their plight. Through our CSR initiatives, we undertook the crucial task of constructing essential infrastructure, including life-improving latrines. We also extended a helping hand through generous donations of food, ensuring that the community could sustain themselves during their challenging period of displacement.
As the years passed, our connection with the resilient people of Marigat remained steadfast. The echoes of their enduring strength inspired us to revisit their camp, not only to check on their progress but to extend our support once more. By the close of 2022, a new crisis had gripped many parts of Kenya – drought. Marigat’s community, already burdened by the memory of the floods, found themselves in dire need once again.
Recognising the deep-rooted bond we had forged with this community, the CSR Committee resolved to make it the centrepiece of our efforts in 2022. This decision was a seamless fit within our four pillars of focus – the welfare of children, the advancement of education, the well-being of the elderly, and the preservation of our environment.
With the hearts and hands of ALN Kenya, ALN UAE, Adili, and some of our esteemed clients, we embarked on a journey to Marigat. Our mission was clear: to offer a lifeline to those in need. Together, we carried an assortment of essential supplies, from much-needed foodstuffs to vital stationery and sanitary towels. Our goal was simple but profound – to provide immediate relief and support to a community in their time of need.
This endeavour is not merely a one-time act of charity. It is a testament to our ongoing commitment to Marigat’s community, a pledge to stand by their side as they strive to rebuild their lives. We are not just partners; we are neighbours, friends, and allies. We look forward to a future where, hand in hand, we continue to uplift and enrich the lives of our Marigat neighbours, ensuring that their journey is filled with hope, resilience, and promise. Together, we are building a brighter tomorrow for Marigat.
Click here to download and read the full 2022 / 2023 CSR & Pro Bono Report.