In the heart of Kilifi County, where the challenges of education are prevalent, ALN Kenya continues to reinforce its position as a beacon of hope for the community. This enchanting coastal region in Kenya has long grappled with below-par school performance in national examinations, a pervasive issue compounded by the daunting spectres of early pregnancies and a disheartening rate of school dropouts.
In the relentless pursuit of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals, the year 2022 saw the culmination of ALN Kenya’s Mombasa office CSR activities in a groundbreaking initiative – the Desking Kibaoni Project. This endeavour was a testament to our unwavering commitment to education, well-being and the future of the children of Kilifi County.
The heart of this remarkable project lay in Kibaoni, a school chosen with purpose. It was a school brimming with potential, yet it faced a stark reality. With an enrollment of approximately 1,548 students, Kibaoni School has been grappling with a severe shortage of desks. Prior to our intervention, only 400 desks were available, forcing students to share or resort to the unforgiving floor as their makeshift study desks. The blackboards, the canvas of learning, were also in deplorable condition.
But hope was on the horizon. Thanks to the boundless generosity of ALN Kenya, ALN UAE, and the Adili Group, along with contributions from our dedicated employees and friends, the wheels of change were set in motion. Armed with a shared vision of a brighter future for these young minds, our CSR members and volunteers from the firm embarked on a transformative journey.
On this memorable day, our team descended upon Kibaoni School. The mission was clear: to breathe new life into their educational environment. Desks poured in, replacing the scarcity that had plagued the students for far too long. Blackboards, once worn and weary, were rejuvenated, ready to inspire generations of learners.
However, the impact of the Desking Kibaoni Project went beyond the tangible. It reached the hearts and souls of the students. We discovered that there were children in this community who continually needed our support. Some wore tattered uniforms, the only pair they possessed, while others dared to learn in sandals or even bare feet. Their resilience in the face of adversity was a profound reminder of the transformative power of education and community.
At ALN, we understand that our role extends far beyond the boardroom. It encompasses a deep-seated commitment to shaping brighter futures, one initiative at a time. This project serves as a testament to our unwavering belief in the potential of every child, in Kilifi County and beyond. Together, we illuminate the path to a brighter tomorrow, where education is a beacon of hope and opportunity for all.
Click here to download and read the full 2022 / 2023 CSR & Pro Bono Report.