Alice Kamau

Alice Kamau

Associate | ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna

Physical Address:

ALN House, Eldama Ravine Close, Off Eldama Ravine Road, Westlands, Nairobi

Postal Address:

P O Box 200-00606, Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya


+254 (0) 703 032 000
+254 20 364 0000

Email Address:

  1. Background

    Alice Kamau is an Associate at ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna and a member of the Dispute Resolution department. She advises and represents clients on a wide array of civil and complex commercial disputes.

    Alice is a versatile advocate and has previously worked in other law firms where she also handled preparation and perfecting of securities, drafting and review of commercial leases and advising multinationals on incorporation formalities.

  2. Professional Membership
    • Law Society of Kenya
    • Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitration
  3. Professional Qualifications

    2021: Arbitration, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (currently pursuing)

    2019: Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Kenya School of Law

    2018: Master of Laws LL.M in International Commercial Law, University of Salford Manchester

    2017: Bachelor of Laws. LL. B, Second Class Honors (Upper Division), The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

  4. Career Summary

    Sep 2022 – Date: Associate, Anjarwalla & Khanna LLP, Nairobi

    Feb 2022 – Aug 2022: Associate, Madhani Advocates LLP

    Mar 2021 – Dec 2021: Associate, LJA Associates LLP

    Jan 2020 – Feb 2021: Trainee Lawyer, LJA Associates LLP

    Sep 2019 – Dec 2019: Legal Intern, LJA Associates LLP

    Jan 2019 – Jul 2019: Legal & Capital Markets Intern, Kofisi Kenya (formerly Sunbird Business Group

  5. Top Matters

    Dispute Resolution

    • Advising and acting for a multinational joint venture consortium, who were contracted by a parastal owned by the Kenyan Government, at a contract price of KES 7 billion and subscription of two bank guarantees, in connection with an ad hoc arbitration under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Rules. The dispute involved the failure to honour sums that were contractually due and subsequent fraudulent calls on bank guarantees. Currently representing the joint venture consortium in the ongoing recognition and enforcement proceedings in respect of the partial arbitral award arising from the arbitration.
    • Representing a private equity fund at the High Court of Kenya in connection with ongoing recognition and enforcement proceedings in respect of a London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) arbitral award and defending the company in related proceedings for setting aside of the LCIA award and interpleader proceedings. The dispute was in connection to a post–acquisition dispute in relation to breach of warranties, fraud, misrepresentation and quantification of loss on the basis of a consideration based on EV/ EBITDA data.
    • Assisting in advising various clients in connection with Kenyan employment law issues including the procedures for termination of employment, disciplinary proceedings, redundancies, and reviewing and updating contracts of employment.
    • Representing and advising a leading Container Freight Station company in connection with a land dispute relating to a compulsory acquistion by a parastatal fully owned by the Kenya Government. The dispute involves trespass of privately owned property where the parastatal has continued to be in possession without acquiring the property as enumerated under the law.
    • Advising and representing various companies in connection with shareholders disputes, the rights and remedies of minority shareholders and any subsequent issues that may arise.
    • Acting and advising a leading real estate private equity investor in Sub-Saharan Africa in connection with a dispute relating to the sale and purchase of the Sale Properties.
    • Part of the team acting for a client in connection with a cross-border child abduction case and return of minor children to Kenya and subsequent custody and divorce proceedings.



    • Successfully acting and and advising Rift Gas in connection with a complex dispute pertaining to the supply, storage and sale of liquefied petroleum gas with Gazlin energy.
    • Succesfully advising and representing a client in connection with a kinship international adoption. Successfully obtained adoption orders and a new Birth Certificate reflecting the adoptive parent.
    • Part of the team that successfully advised and represented a Multi-National Insurance Company in connection with a USD 5 Million dispute with the Note Trustee in respect of obligations accruing under a commercial paper. The matter was being arbitrated in accordance with the rules of the the London Court of International Arbitration.
    • Part of the team that successfully defended an International School in Kenya against claims by parents for the refund of school fees occasioned by the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Part of the team that was advising and representing a multi-national company in connection with a USD 290,000 contractual dispute with a Kenyan company. Succesfully represented the multi-national company in relation to the pre-liminary obejection to the jusrisdiction of the arbitrator.
    • Successfully acting and advising a client in a crypto currency dispute worth over KES 16 Million.
    • Representing and advising leading insurance companies against claims by their insured.
    • Representing and advising a multi-national client in an international avaition dispute.
    • Representing and advising the estate of prominent personalies in connection with their succession matters.
    • Representing and advising various clients in connection with on registration and renewal of intellectual property rights such as trademarks and copyright.
    • Watching brief on behalf of a corporation in connection with a criminal matter relating to forgeries and theft of company merchandise.
    • Represented and advised clients in connection with various insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings.
    • Drafting and reviewing leases and licences for corporate clients.
    • Preparation and perfection of various securities for various reputable banks such as Diamond Trust bank Kenya Limited, Guaranty Trust Bannk and Co-operative Bak of Kenya Limited.


    Reported matters

    • Being part of the team that Successfully obtained judgment in the Constitutional and Human Rights Court in favour of a Petitioner against Kenya School of Law and Kenya National Qualifications Authority.

    • Being part of the team that successfully represented and advised SCANAD Kenya Limited a subsidiary of WPP Scanad Group PLC and a global advertising giant in relation to a USD 3.5 Million contractual dispute with the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

    • Succesfully advising and acting for China Civil Engineering Construction Company with respect to a tender dispute pertaining to a USD 1.2 Million on demand guarantee and subsequently quashed an attempt by Capitaland to challenge the judgment delivere in this matter in 2020.

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