Victor M. Nkonge

Victor M. Nkonge

Principal Associate | ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna

Physical Address:

ALN House, Eldama Ravine Close, Off Eldama Ravine Road, Westlands, Nairobi

Postal Address:

P O Box 200-00606, Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya


+254 703 032 000, +254 203 640 000

Email Address:

  1. Background

    Victor M. Nkonge is a Principal Associate at ALN Kenya | Anjarwalla & Khanna and a member of the Dispute Resolution department. Victor advises and represents clients on a wide array of civil and commercial matters.

  2. Professional Membership
    • Law Society of Kenya
    • East Africa Law Society
    • Associate Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
    • Member of the High Court of Kenya, Commercial & Admiralty Division, Bar – Bench Committee
  3. Professional Qualifications

    2016: Postgraduate Diploma in Law, Kenya School of Law

    2014: Bachelor of Laws. LL. B, Second Class Honors (Upper Division), University of Nairobi

  4. Career Summary

    April 2023 – Date: Principal Associate, Anjarwalla & Khanna LLP, Nairobi

    May 2021 – March 2023: Associate, Anjarwalla & Khanna LLP, Nairobi

    May 2018 – May 2021: Associate, MMAN Advocates, Nairobi

    Oct 2017 – Apr 2018: Associate, Kiogora Mutai & Company Advocates

    Apr 2017 – Sep 2017: Associate, Kilonzo & Aziz Company Advocates

    Feb 2017 – Mar 2017: Legal Intern, Deloitte Limited, Nairobi

    Jan 2016 – Dec 2016: Trainee Lawyer, Waweru Gatonye & Company Advocates

  5. Top Matters
    • Acting for Tatu City an international arbitration at the ICC in connection with a construction dispute with a Kenyan contractor over a FIDIC Redbook, 1999 governed construction contract, with claims of over USD 5.1 million.
    • Acting for Techno Brain, a leading provider of information technology and technical solutions, in connection with a dispute with the Government of Malawi over termination of a contract entered into in 2019 with Malawi’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services to upgrade its passport issuance system and introduce 800,000 electronic passports to Malawi within a period of 3 years.
    • Acting for Victoria Commercial Bank in various insolvency proceedings involving placing of its creditors under administration and defending the administrator of the companies placed in administration in various applications filed by directors and shareholders challenging the administration process. The aggregate debts owed to the Bank by the creditors are to the tune of approximately KES 2 billion.
    • Representing GC Residential, which is part of Actis, in connection with a dispute with a purchaser and the Kenya Revenue Authority over assessment and payment of stamp duty for properties worth approximately KES 1.4 billion.
    • Representing GC Residential in a constitutional petition to challenge the abuse of investigatory powers by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the National Police Service following a complaint by a disgruntled purchaser of our client’s properties worth approximately KES 1.4 billion.
    • Representing DB Schenker Kenya in connection with a dispute with a local importer involving importation and late clearance of cargo from the storage of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) leading to accumulation of KPA storage costs, customs warehouse rent, customs release charges and shipping line container demurrage of approximately USD 500,000.
    • Representing and advising one of East Africa’s leading steel manufacturing company in an investigation instituted by the Competition Authority of Kenya against leading steel manufacturing companies in Kenya over allegations of restrictive trade practices.
    • Representing Agility Logistics which is part of Agility Logistics International BV in a court dispute with a local freight and forwarding company in a claim for passing off and trademark infringement.
    • Advising a leading privately owned aviation company based in Kenya and coordinating the resolution of their dispute with a foreign insurance company over payment of an insurance claim worth approximately USD 8 million following a plane crash involving the company’s aircraft in a foreign jurisdiction.
    • Advising and acting for Rainforest Farmlands at the Employment and Labour Relations Court in connection with an employment dispute for alleged unfair and unlawful termination of employment involving its former employee in the management cadre.
    • Advising a leading confectionary company in connection with a dispute with a purchaser over payment of Value Added Tax (VAT) on the sale of the company’s commercial properties in Nairobi worth KES 260 million.
    • Advising a Kenyan engineering firm which is part of a German motor engineering firm to navigate a tendering dispute and to manage claims under the Bribery Act, 2016 at the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Directorate of Criminal investigations.

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